With the holidays on the way, there are a lot of great events kicking off in our MainStreet communities. See what is going on in a MainStreet district near you, or in one you will be visiting between now and Christmas!
Here is a sampling of the events happening in the north…
Turkey Trot and Gobble Wobble
November 22, 2014 from 9 AM to Noon
The event will be held at Orchard Plaza and will feature a 5K Turkey Trot and 2 Mile Gobble Wobble. Registration is $20 and participants receive a t-shirt and meal. This is a family friendly event.
Information: Farmington Recreation Center, 505.599.1184,https://registerc.parksreconline.com
Reindeer Romp and North Pole Stroll
December 20, 2104 from 4-6 PM
The event will be held at Orchard Plaza and will feature a 5K Reindeer Romp and 2 Mile North Pole Stroll. Registration is $15 and participants receive a t-shirt. This is a family friendly event with games, music, refreshments and Santa!
Information: Farmington Recreation Center, 505.599.1184,https://registerc.parksreconline.com
Winterfest Weekend
December 5-7, 2014
Holiday Lights Parade, fun and family events
Information: 505.661.4844, suzette@losalamos.org,www.lamainstreet.com
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Santa Comes To Town at 3 PM, Ripley Park
City Christmas Tree Lighting at 5 PM, Ripley Park
Festival of Lights (Static Display) from 6-7 PM on Historic First Street
Information: www.ratonmainstreet.org , director@ratonarts.org, 575.445.2052
Receipt Saver Program (Nov. 29th – Dec. 29th) Shop locally and for every $50 spent, receive a chance to win a recliner from Woody’s Furniture plus many other prizes donated by downtown businesses
Information: www.ratonmainstreet.org, director@ratonarts.org, 575.445.2052
Country Recording Artist Crystal Yates (Holiday Album Release Party)
Friday, December 19, 2014, Historic Shuler Theater at 7 PM
Admission: New Toy to support the Raton Fire Department’s Toy Drive or Food
Information: www.ratonmainstreet.org, director@ratonarts.org, 575.445.2052