Lea County Museum

Constructed 1920. Lovington is the county seat of Lea County, it became a town in 1908 when settlers from east of the Texas line homesteaded the western edges of the Llano Estacado in New Mexico Territory. New Mexico became a state in 1912. Lea County was founded in 1917. The Read more…

Harding County Courthouse

Constructed 1922. The Harding County Courthouse, in Mosquero, is a handsome Neo-classical building with strong Greek Revival style accents, originally built to serve the county as a school. Named for President Warren G. Harding, Harding County is the least populated of all New Mexico counties, with less than 800 residents. Read more…

Trinity Hotel

Constructed 1892. The building was built in 1892 as the First National Bank where it housed the town’s first newspaper and later became the historic headquarters of the Carlsbad Irrigation District. In 2007, three partners bought the building with the dream of restoring the decaying property. Many in the community Read more…