San Ysidro Church

Constructed 1868. Little is recorded of Corrales during the first 150 years of Spanish occupation since it was not on the major trade routes along the river from Santa Fe; even as late as 1870 the census records only 141 households with 687 residents, nearly all were farmers, ranchers or Read more…

Old Belen City Hall

Constructed 1937. The original Belen City Hall was completed by the WPA in 1937. The building still belongs to the city, but is no longer in use. With assistance from New Mexico MainStreet, Belen MainStreet recently completed a Facade Squad on the building, painting and repairing the exterior of the Read more…

Roosevelt County Courthouse

Constructed 1938. The 1938 Art Deco Style Courthouse is a four-story structure of cast stone and blond brick with cast concrete and metal bas relief embellishments. It was designed by R.E. Merrell and partially funded through the Public Works Administration. The decorative motifs include thunderbirds and a bas relief medallion Read more…

Portales Post Office

Constructed 1937. Funded by the Public Works Administration, Portales’ Main Post Office was completed in 1937 and is built with red brick in the Classical Revival style. The post office is part of a complex of administrative buildings downtown including the WPA constructed courthouse across the street. The post office Read more…

Chaves County Courthouse

Constructed 1911. The Chaves County Courthouse was built in 1911, and designed by Isaac H. Rapp of the distinguished Rapp and Rapp architectural firm of Trinidad, Colorado. The Courthouse is one of the most imposing civic buildings in New Mexico, an outstanding example of the monumental civicĀ Beaux-Arts style. Chaves Read more…

Eddy County Courthouse

Constructed 1939. The original courthouse built in 1891, was a Victorian structure built for $21,000 with a steeple and dark colored locally-made brick; later additions were built similarly. When New Deal funds ($185,000) became available in 1939, the architecture of the building was drastically changed to the early Spanish style Read more…

Carlsbad Museum & Art Center

According to the City of Carlsbad the Carlsbad Museum and Art Center was founded in 1931 and fulfills its mission as a cultural and educational institution through the collection, preservation, exhibition and interpretation of artifacts, documents and works of art relating to prehistory, history and aesthetic environment of the City Read more…