Constructed 1931.

Listed on the state and national historic registers, this building was constructed in 1931 as the post office. The two-story sandstone and brick building with a tiled roof combined Spanish-Colonial Revival and Neoclassical styles to created a dignified federal building that was still consistent with its southwest locale. The construction of the building was funded through existing programs within the Hoover administration. Although it predated WPA and other New Deal programs, the intention and effects were the same – employment for local workers and extra business for local suppliers. The large 48″x 111″ oil mural by Paul Lantz depicts the main street in Clovis at the turn of the century. Commissioned by the Treasury Section, the mural represents life when small towns were developing in the West. — Source “Treasures on New Mexico Trails: Discover New Deal Art and Architecture” by Kathryn A. Flynn

122 W. 4th St. Clovis, NM 88101

Images by Robyne Beaubien.

Local New Mexico MainStreet Program:
Clovis MainStreet