New Mexico is home to a vibrant arts community that has created numerous spectacular examples of public art ranging from the monumental to the minimal, adorning plazas, parks, facades and sometimes the unexpected.
- Posts: 24 -
Downtown Albuquerque Public Art Walking Tour

The Downtown Albuquerque Murals and Public Art Walking Tour is a great way to explore downtown Albuquerque. The tour features 44 pieces of art and murals that are a diverse as the people in this community. The website link has more information about the art in the MainStreet and Arts Read more…
Downtown Carlsbad Murals

Carlsbad is home to a variety of murals throughout town. The downtown area has three of those murals. One, at 418 W. Fox St., depicts the people of the Carlsbad-area from several periods and the ways they made their living (mining, farming, caving, etc.) The mural located at the southeastern Read more…
Downtown Gallup Murals

Constructed 2004. Beginning in the 1930s with the famous WPA murals, Gallup began a lasting tradition of publicly-accessible outdoor artwork. In the early 2000s, local artists were commissioned to retell Gallup’s story through a series of outdoor murals on downtown buildings. Each mural is unique in style and captures a Read more…
Downtown Tucumcari Murals

Constructed 2000. Tucumcari might just have become the unofficial Mural City of Route 66 because of the work of local artists Doug and Sharon Quarles. They have created over 30 life-size and bigger than life-size murals throughout the city of Tucumcari and more in the Quay County Area. Tucumcari, NM 88401
Fire and Ice Sculpture

Constructed 1998. The iconic “Fire and Ice” sculpture in the heart of downtown Grants commercial district was created in 1998 by Santa Fe artists Howard and Kathleen Meehan as part of the New Mexico Route 66 enhancement project. The sculpture is 28′ high and resides in a 30′ diameter plaza Read more…
Fuller Lodge Art Center

Constructed 1928 The grand building was built in 1928, as the Ranch School Dining Hall. It also served as quarters for nurses, staff, and guests. Named for Edward P. Fuller, a staff member at the Ranch School, it is made of 771 massive pine logs, personally selected by architect John Read more…
Gallup Cultural Center

Constructed 1918. The Amtrak stop in Gallup is a two-story stucco station built in 1918 in the Mission Revival architectural style. It was originally constructed to serve as an area headquarters for the Santa Fe Railway, the successor to the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad. A Harvey House hotel and restaurant, Read more…
Halagueno Arts Park

Constructed 2006. The Halagueno Arts Park is a phased project to create an intercity arts park located in the historic MainStreet district, to serve the community, visitors and tourists as an instructional arts and botanical garden site. The project began with clearing the park area and updating the infrastructure in Read more…
Harding County Paint the Town Murals

Constructed 2008. Paint the Town started with some young people, a willing tutor, a little cash and a lot of hard work. The youth in the community came together to make a difference in this remote and unique part of New Mexico. Surrounded by ranch land, the towns of Mosquero Read more…
Heritage Walkway

Constructed 1976. Heritage Walkway took shape after a building fire left the lot vacant circa 1962. In 1976, the Artesia Junior Women’s Club created two murals, with the assistance of a local art teacher, in celebration of our country’s bicentennial year. The Artesia Garden Club maintained the Walkway for years Read more…