New Mexicans have served proudly in battles and wars to preserve precious freedoms. These epic conflicts and sacrifices are commemorated in local memorials, parks, public art and museum collections remembering Civil War campaigns on native soil to duty and service on international shores.
- Posts: 12 -
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Friendship Park

Constructed 2006. The privately-funded memorial honors the soldiers who lost their lives in the Vietnam War, five of whom were from Grants, NM. The memorial was unveiled in 2006, and the ceremony was attended by Governor Bill Richardson. Santa Fe and El Morro Rd. Grants, NM 87020
World War I – Claude Close Howard Memorial

Constructed 1920. A granite marker in front of the Luna County Courthouse commemorates the only casualty from Deming in World War I. Claude Close Howard was killed in action in France. The marker is set on concrete blocks and has a bronze plaque and picture of Mr. Howard 700 S. Read more…