Kit Carson House

Constructed 1860. Kit Carson gained national fame during the Santa Fe Trail era as a scout and military leader. Originally from Missouri, Carson settled in Taos and married into the local Jaramillo family. His house on Kit Carson Road near the plaza retains its distinctive Territorial style portal and is Read more…

Mora Plaza

The plaza of Mora is an undeveloped space just north of St. Gertrude’s parish in the heart of the village. The plaza is used by the parish as a parking lot, but plans are underway to redevelop the modest square for community uses. Background history of Mora: Hispanic settlers had Read more…

Mora Historic District

Constructed 1900 Mora was founded in 1835 after a land grant was awarded to settlers by the Mexican government. The land grant was called “Santa Gertrudis de Mora” thereby establishing St. Gertrude as the patron saint of the fledgling village. Mora residents rebelled against the new American regime in 1847 Read more…